17 Free Printable Quizzes and Matching Games for Bridal Shower
On this page I have compiled a list of 17 Free Printable Quizzes and Matching Games for your bridal shower party. There is a wedding trivia quiz, bride and groom trivia quiz and many fun quizzes and games that will make your guests think and use their general knowledge in a fun way. I have made almost every game in 3 different designs and colors. You can download any game that you like in any color that you want.

Here is the list of all the bridal shower matching games and trivia quizzes.
1. Match the Candy Name Game

Match the candy name is a fun matching game and here is the bridal shower version of this game. The guests will have to match the famous candy's name with the correct wedding related word or phrase. You can download the printable sheets for this game.
2. Wedding Trivia Quiz
Trivia quizzes are fun and this free printable wedding trivia quiz is perfect for a Bridal Shower party. Let's see how many correct answers can your guests give. You can read some more wedding trivia questions on this website. You can also play an online trivia quiz here.
3. Romantic movie quotes quiz
Will your guests be romantic movies and chick-flick fans? If so, test their knowledge and memory with this fun romantic movie quotes quiz.
4. Match the Celebrity Couple Game
This is the updates version of match the celebrity couples game. Let's see if your guests know that which celebrity is in relationship with whom? These game cards are decorated with really cute graphics and this game is free to download.
5. I love you, around the world game
This is another fun matching game in which the guests will have to match the language's name with how I love you is written in that language. This is a fun game for the people who are well travelled and have seen the world.
6. Why Do We Do That?
This game is about various wedding traditions. Ask your guests if they know why certain things are done on weddings in a certain way. This is a fun quiz game and printables for this game are available in 3 different colors.
7. Match the Famous Couple
Celebrity couples are also famous but this game is about the famous couples that come from fictional stories as well. Test your guests that how fast can they connect the couple together. There are stunning graphics for this game and these game cards are in three different colors as well.
8. Wedding Traditions Around the World
See if your guests know about various traditions around the world and guess the country where those tradistions are practised. This is another fun game to test the knowledge of your guests.
9. Name that Cake
Name that cake is a popular and fun game for bridal showers. There are 15 hints abut 15 different cakes and the guests will have to guess the right cake with the help of the hints.
10. Animal Mates Names Game
This is another fun matching quiz. The guests will have to match the name of an animal with the correct name that is used for that particular animal's male and female. The person with the most correct answers will win.
11. Price is right, Bridal Shower Game
Price is right is a very popular game. This is a guessing game where the guests will have to guess the right market price of an item. My site also provides free printables for this game.
12. How well do you know the bride? Game
This is a trivia game with 15 questions about the bride. You can play this game at bridal showers and also at hen's parties. This is a perfect game if close family and friends are getting to-gether at the bridal shower.
13. Bride and Groom Trivia
Bride and groom trivia quiz is another fun trivia game and it is perfect for co-ed showers where friends and family of bride-to-be and groom are getting together. There are 22 trivia questions related to the bride and the groom and this fun printable game is available in three colors.
14. What was Bride Wearing Game
This is a fun quiz that will test the memory of your bridal shower party guests. The detailed instructions and free printables are provided on this page.
15. Married or Not Married Game for Bridal Shower
This game is from our sister site and this is another celebrity couples game. The guests will have to guess that whether the famous couple in question is married or not married.
16. Over or Under
This is another guessing game where the guests will have to guess if the statment given on the worksheet is over or under the correct numbers and amounts.
17. Match the Disney Couple Game
A simple matching game in which the guests will have to match the male and female from a famous Disney couple.