36 Free Printable Charade Cards for Bridal Shower
On this page I have gathered 36 free printable Charade Cards for Bridal Shower that have fun Charade ideas related to weddings and Bridal Showers. You can also use these cards to play pictionary. I have made cards that are related to wedding, wedding songs and wedding movies. I have made each set of cards in pink color and also in lilac color. I am also providing beautiful blank cards that you can print and fill up as per your needs.

You can read the detailed instructions about playing Charades at Wiki How.
1. Bridal Shower Charades
Can your guests mime to be a groom or a bride so their team mates can guess? Well use these fun Bridal Shower Charade cards to find out. There are words like
Wedding Ring
First Dance
and Cut the Cake. You can also use these cards to play the game of pictionary.
2. Wedding Songs Charades
Wedding related words are too easy to guess, No? Well, then add excitement and fun to your bridal shower party with these wedding Songs charade cards. There are names of 9 wedding songs and some blank cards where you can add yours.
3. Wedding Movies Charades
If the Charade cards that I have shared above are not enough then you can print these wedding movies charade cards. You can also print all the cards and mix all those up to make your charades game more challenging.
Bridal shower 101 also offers adorable free printable charade cards for bridal shower. This site also has fun category suggestions for bridal shower charades.