5 Free Printable Bridal Shower Bingo Game Versions and Ideas
Bingo is a fun and a very popular game. It has many variations and it is also called Lotto and Keno. You can create your own Bingo cards and can also download numbers bingo cards from many websites, but I have created 5 free printable versions for this fun game of chance for your bridal shower party.
You can print these Bingo cards in the color of your choice and have a fun time with the Bridal Shower Party Guests.

You can crint these game cards on any A4 size computer paper, heavy card stock or any craft sheet that you may like.
Here are the different variations of this Bingo Game that you can play.
1. Bridal Shower Word Bingo
Word Bingo is a fun version of this game. I have made this game in three different colors and there are 20 different Bingo cards that you can use and play this game with 20 guests. There are 3 zip files with 20 Bingo cards in each color and a caller's checklist. You can easily download this game and play with your guests.
2. Bridal Shower Gift Bingo
Gift Bingo is another fun version for this game of chance. The guests will have to guess the gifts that the bride-to-be will be receiving and if they make a row of correct guesses and yell Bingo at the right time, they will win a prize. You can also download a very beautiful gift bingo card from Fun squared site.
3. Free Printable Bridal Shower Picture Bingo Cards
Here is another version of this one of the most popular Bridal Shower Games. I have created 10 unique picture bingo cards and caller's checklist. You can download the zip files, extract those and get the bingo cards printed for your guests.
4. Bridal Shower Guest Bingo Printable
Guest Bingo is another fun version of Bingo game.This game makes an excellent icebreaker game and the guests will get a chance to mingle and get to know each other. I have created adorable cards for this game in three different colors and each Bingo card is decorated with an adorable chevron patter. I am offering absolutely free printables and this game is a must have for your bridal shower party. You can also download an adorable version of this 'Find the guest Bingo Game' from this website.
5. Bridal Shower Purse Bingo Game
Purse Bingo is another Bingo Game that you can play at your bridal shower party. You don't exactly need a separate printable for each guest to play this game, instead you will only need a caller's list that I have created for you.
I hope you have enjoyed all the versions of this game that I have created for you. Enjoy!