Free Printable Bridal Shower Games and Ideas

Free Printable What's in Your Purse Bridal Shower Game

This is a fun filled game that will be enjoyed by all the party guests. This game will be a nice ice-breaker and it will relax and warm up the guests and bring them in the right mood to enjoy the party.

Free Printable What's in Your Purse Bridal Shower Game

How to Play: Distribute these beautiful game cards among your Bridal Shower Party guests along with a pen or pencil. Ask them to mark the items that they have in their purse. There are certain points for each item mentioned on this game card. Ask them to count their total points and write on the game card. The person with highest points will be the winner.

What's in your Purse, Bridal Shower Game

free printable whats in your purse game

Here is a free printable version of this game in classic bridal shower color. This game card is decorated with images of purse and daisies. Click on the image shared above and then right click and save the bigger image to your computer. You can print this game either on ordinary printing paper or card stock paper.

What's in Your Purse Game for Bridal Shower in Pink Color

what's in your purse game for bridal shower in pink color

This is printable version of this game in pink color. Print this color using your home printer if it matches your Bridal Shower Party's theme. You can use any type of paper for printing my games. It all depends on your requirement and budget.

What's in Your Purse Bridal Shower Game in Lilac Color

what's in your purse game printable in lilac color

This game card is in Lilac color and you can print it if it suits your needs more or you can print cards in all three colors and mix and give different colors to different guests.

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