Free Printable Drink If Bridal Shower and Bachelorette party Game
'Drink if' is a fun and very popular party game. This game will give your party guests several reasons to drink. This game comprises of different rounds and in each round the guests will have to drink if they meet the condition that is described in the cards.
I have made free printable cards for this game in 3 different colors. Only the host will need one copy of this printed sheet but still I have created adorable graphics for this. You can download the free printable sheet for this game on this page.

How to Play: Print a copy of this fun bridal shower game. Now have different drinks for your guests and read the statements that are given on the cards, one by one. Each guest will have to take a shot if the statement applies to them.
Free Printable Drink If Bachelorette Party Game
Here is the first free printable game card for this fun drinking bridal shower game. This beautiful game card is decorated with flowers. Just click or tap on the thumbnail image and save or print the bigger image that will open up.
Drink If Bachelorette Party Game Printable
Here is another printable worksheet for this game. This game card is in adorable green and mint colors. Download it if it matches with the theme of your party.
Drink If Game Free Printable
Here is the third game card for this game. This is also in a very adorable color combination.
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Drinking Games for Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party